Free Your Mind
If you followed the first running tip; hopefully, you are able to jog 2 to 3 miles or even more; if so, great job and keep it up! 🙂
My first tip still applies and will continue to apply. My next tip is one you may have already noticed, and it is one that will help take you from 2 to 3 miles to possibly 4 to 6 miles. My next tip I would like to offer is FREE YOUR MIND!

Some of the hardest runs I have ever done are usually ones where I watch the clock or mile marker most the time. Do whatever you can to keep your mind on other things besides your run. Below is a list of things that have helped me keep my mind free during my run so I’m not “watching the clock”:
- Running with music/book – Pick an upbeat playlist or audiobook, and some good headphones that are comfortable to you. Be sure to not blast the music as you don’t want to damage your hearing. If you have a hard time keeping them in/on your ears a head sweat-band may help hold them in place.
- Running to a movie – New movies, that you have not yet seen, work best, as they are usually easier to stay interested in. If able, it may help to turn on subtitles so you don’t have to crank the volume up to hear what is being said. If your going to watch a movie you might as well get a run in at the same time. 🙂
- Running with a family member or friend – Whether it be your spouse, your son or daughter, mother or father, brother or sister, or just a friend; get someone to run with you. Even if you don’t talk much during the run, having someone with you DOES help. It’s also a great way to spend time with someone when you have busy schedule.
- Running outside – Probably by far the best way to help a run is to find a good trail or route and run outside. It is much easier to think of a run as, I’ll just run 2 miles out then back to the car, than it is to run 4 miles on a treadmill; or to think, I’ll just go around the block twice, than it is to think of doing 5 or 6 miles on the treadmill. Another great thing about going outside is it makes it much harder to cut your run short because you can’t just step off the treadmill.
A great place to run outside is the “Jordan River Parkway Trail” it stretches from Downtown Salt Lake southward, clear to Utah Lake. Maps of the trail can be found here. In general the trail has bridges or underpasses to cross any busy streets.
If anyone has any other tips on how they like to keep their mind clear during a run, feel free to post a comment.
Great job to all you runners out there, and whether its 1 mile or 26 miles if you run you are a runner, so good job and keep it up. 🙂